Thursday, January 29, 2009

Science Daily

Well, there hasn't been a whole lot going on around here lately. The old adage of 'no news is good news' kinda comes to mind though so I'm not complaining! Just trying to finish up our taxes and get everything in to 'the tax lady'. So while I've just been toiling away on homework and reading Anne Rice, I've been checking out my favorite websites also.

I think that most of you who read our blog would really like this site. It has everything from forensics and medicine to archaeology and ancient civilizations. There is a lot of information on Jerusalem and many other cities that are in the bible as well as people from the bible. This story for example is about King Herod and his mausoleum and sarcophagus. There is just really a ton of interesting and useful information about pretty much anything that is related to science. Check it out and see what ya think.

Science Daily

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