Saturday, May 23, 2009

Better news!

Well, from the sounds of a financial manager at Kaplan, my account has been figured out and I am registered for the rest of the 2009 term with my classes unfrozen! Yay! =) All of my finals that are due on May 26th are already handed in except for one 5-6 page essay on cyber crime so that'll be easy to get done in the next 3 days. John got to go back to work for a few weeks so that is helping a bit also but, the natural gas industry is still not back into the swing of things yet so, keeping our fingers crossed. Brett is going in to get 3 of his wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday so we're hoping that surgery goes well which it should. He's not looking forward to it though and we can't blame him! >< We got to see Kate, Larry and the boys for a little bit on Friday which was nice to be able to hang out with them for a bit. Not a whole lot other than that going on but, I do want to say sorry for slacking on posting on blogs lately, I haven't been not posting on purpose though! Love and miss ya'll and hope everybody is well. <3 John, Brandy, and kids.

oh' yeah not that I've forgotten, I just didn't want to spill the news before it was time but, for those who know our best friend Nick, he's getting married soon and has a lil' one on the way. =)

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a relief!! I hope work starts to pick up for John. Been there, done that! It's such a pain.

Hope Brett's surgery goes well. I do NOT envy him!

Congrats to your friend, Nick!